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DotEasy Recommend it!   Our rating:
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Rating 5
Votes 2
28 th Feb 2008
DotEasy DotEasy has very wide selection of hosting plans and most interesting is of course the Free Hosting. Since it is free there is not many features but for basic HTML site is enough. The Free plan gives you 100MB of space and 1GB of traffic and no PHP or MySQL. The oposite of free plan is Unlimited Hosting plan which cost only $9.95 / month for UNIX version or $20 / month for Windows servers. There are all programming languages supported and everything is just unlimited. With those plans you get all you need for your website including non stop support. This service is using 160.000 other customers which I belive are satisfied. Only little catch is the expensive domain name wihch could be cheaper a bit.
Category: | Free Web Hosting | PHP Hosting | ASP Hosting |

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